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EKC Corporate Social Responsibility


AMT in Rs.
SR No Name of the Trust/NGO CSR  Activities Contribution of the Company approved by CSR Committee for 2023-24
A Project on Eradicating hunger, poverty and malnutrition, promoting health care including preventive health care and sanitation for the promotion of sanitation and making available safe drinking water.
1 Annamrita Foundation Sponsorship of midday meals for non-aided Government school children in Mumbai:
There are many schools that are not aided by the Government and hence do not come under the umbrella of the Midday Meal Project of the Government. These schools are seeking sponsorship to serve their students freshly cooked nutritious meals. Annamrita Foundation have identified 2 such schools in Mumbai viz. Smt. Shantidevi B. Banerji Vidyalay with 150 primary students and St Stephen’s Middle School with 110 primary students.
2 Annamrita Foundation Food to relatives of patients in Government hospitals in Mumbai:
People from all over the country come for treatment to hospitals in Mumbai viz. Nair hospital, Cama hospital, St George hospital, GT hospital, TB hospital, Cooper hospital and TATA hospital. Relatives of these paitents who come with them are in despair very happy to get a ready meal in hand, served outside these hospitals.
3 Saksham Foundation, Panvel Proposal on Improvement of Sanitation & Hygiene with the Digitalization of the School:
Madhyamik Vidyalaya Nitalas and RZP school Siddhi Karavale in Taloja which are in need of neat, clean toilets failities and calsroom digitisation. For the same they have sent a proposal seeking CSR  support for WASH and School digitalization of these two schools in Panvel region.
4 Shishu Vihar Mandal Proposal for renovation of toilets, classrooms.                       10,00,000.00
B Projects on setting up old age homes, day care centres and such other facilities for senior citizens :
5 Dignity Foundation, Mahim A proposal for DAY CARE CENTRES for people with Dementia (PwD) in Mahim:
Dementia as an umbrella concept is used to describe a group of brain disorders that disturb and damage cognitive (power of knowing) functions, affecting memory, one’s very personality, judgment, mood, and social functioning. Cognitive function refers to all mental tasks we perform every minute – from remembering our name to doing mathematical calculations. With dementia, short-term memory is often the first to go, with trouble remembering recent events as what was consumed for breakfast, why a room was entered, while people can significantly still recall events that occurred years ago.

Objective 1: To provide stimulating and conducive environment for people with Dementia that leverages their cognitive abilities, functional, social skills and enhances their self-reliance;
Objective 2: Address the unmet need of Caregivers through provisioning essential support;
Objective 3: To reach out to the underprivileged sections with information, education about Dementia and facilitate referral services.

6 Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorder Society (PDMDS) Support and rehabilitation of people with Parkinson’s Disease and promotion of healthy ageing through rehabilitation and education about neurological conditions of the elderly in six centers of Maharashtra and one center in the north east:
Due to the lack of education and rehabilitation for people with neurological conditions like Parkinson’s, stroke and dementia in the urban and rural areas in the chosen Maharashtra and North East centers, this project will work to reach out to population in these geographical locations. It will also raise awareness about these conditions and promote physical and emotional wellbeing for the geriatric population.
1. To network and raise awareness amongst varied stake holders including Govt, Non-Govt. Organizations, Medical and Allied Health professionals on the need for programs for the Elderly;
2. To conduct programs to reach out to senior citizens on neurological conditions at the seven locations. The programs will include information on these conditions and simple strategies to identify and manage the condition;
3. Provide rehabilitation for those identified with neurological conditions such as Parkinson’s, Stroke and Dementia through individual and group therapy programs;
4. To conduct ‘Healthy ageing programs ’at residential homes for the elderly and senior citizen’s community groups. This involves:
• Contextual analysis of the home and providing for needs based on the project objectives.
• Conducting regular program to improve physical cognitive and emotional well-being of the residents and group members
• Identifying people with Neurological conditions like PD, stroke and dementia and providing intervention strategies
• Training the caretakers and administrators at the homes on neurological conditions and providing simple strategies to improve quality of life of people living with neurological conditions.
C Project on education, including special education and employment enhancing vocation skills
7 Swami Brahmanand Pratishthan Brahmagiri –Skill Development, Sheltered workshop, Residential Home for Persons with Intellectual Disabilities:
Despite the presence of many special schools in Navi Mumbai, there is no Skill Development Centre and
residential home for adult PwIDD in Navi Mumbai. Therefore, the Pratishthan is coming up with a state-of-art, first-of-its-kind project in Navi Mumbai, (Project Brahmagiri), at Kharghar, Navi Mumbai which will provide the following services for adult PwIDD: Sheltered Workshop; Skill Development Centre; Respite Care Centre; Residential Home; Parents self-help group.
8 Light of Life Trust Project Anando: Ensuring underpriviledged rural secondary school childrens complete standard X:  In rural India the highest percentage of out of school children is in the age group 11 years to 18 years which increases as they grow older due to various reasons like – looking after their younger siblings and their homes, as parents are daily wage earners, earning an extra income for the family, no access to secondary schools, etc. Looking at the abject state of this segment of children especially in rural India, Light of Life Trust decided to focus its interventions with students at the secondary school level in rural districts of Rajasthan (Bijolia, Makerdi, Gardada) with a vision to reach out and positively impact the entire nation in a planned and phased manner targetting 218 students.

Project Anando Objectives are: Enhance the child personality; build capacity and the quality to face and with stand competition, develop leadership skill, suitabily equip with employability and involvement of parents, community and teachers in child’s growth and development.

9 Sant Tukaram Salvation Mission Re-strengthening and repairs of School buildings of STS Mission, Malad:
Strengthening and repairs, based on structural audit carried and recommendations received from the consultant for repairs and improving aesthetics of this old building in view of Safety of Students, Teachers and Staff was of paramount importance, requiring quick action.
10 Studeasy Foundation Blended Learning program  by using technollogy to provide qualliity educatiion to Govt. school students:
A Program that serves Quality Education in school & beyond, as the NGo helps schools
to setup Smart Class & provide free access to online education via any Smartphone & Internet available to the students. This program to be conducted across 20 Govt. schools. These 20 Govt. schools will be equally spread across rural areas surrounding Gandhidham (Kutch, Gujarat) and Tarapur (Palghar, Maharashtra).
D Projects on Women Empowerment, Education and child education:
11 Tara Mobile Creches, Pune  Health, Nutrition and education owing to holistic approach towards strengthening of children’s learning:
1. Health: As a part of health care intervention, monthly doctor’s visits are arranged for general health check-ups of children, and pregnant and lactating mothers at the day-care centres and annual health check-ups of construction labourers are caried out in view of early detection and timely treatment. Minor illnesses are treated by dispensing the medicines and for major illnesses, the cases are referred to a government health care facility. Deworming, Vit A, WASH facilities are ensured and along with hygiene practices;
2. Nutrition: Nutritional aid includes freshly prepared meals, breakfast and evening snacks. The meals are designed by considering socio-cultural context, age-appropriate nutritional needs, palatability and acceptance of food;
3. Support for education (Academic and non-academic): Typically, children below three are provided with stimulation for development along with appropriate nourishment. Children in 3-6 age group receive early childhood care and education as to prepare them for formal schooling. 6 years and above children are encouraged to attend formal school and are supported for enrolling them at local school.
12 Swadhar IDWC – Girls Education Support Program (GESP) Empowering girls from the marginalized communities of the society through education, counselling and guidance. 25,00,000.00
13 Ekatmik Vikas Sansthan (Zilha Parishad Madhyamik School) Education to underprivileged students and repairs of basic services in the school. 8,00,000.00
14 Global SME DevNet (Yanblu Training Deck LLP.) Skill Development Trainings for Underpriviledged Women and youth in India:
A project for underprivileged women/ girls and youth to develop their skills in various trades in apparels which are feasible and potential for them to have work, income and livelihood in a sustainable way, at Gandhinagar district of Gujarat State for 150  womens.

Courses to be offered: The courses of apparels like Sewing Machine Operator(SMO).
Training duration: The training duration for Sewing Machine Operator (SMO) will be for a period of 37.5 working days of 8 hours each day for completion of one batch. The total number of women in one batch will 30. Hence, the total number of batches that will be trained will be 5 batches, which makes a total number of women to be trained to 150. In addition to the technical training, the programme will include soft skill programme and awareness on health and wellbeing as an integral part of the training programme.
Assessment and Certification.

E Projects relating to Ensuring environmental sustainability, ecological balance (ESG)
15 Light of Life Trust Distribution of Plants for Faring: (Earn and learn):
1 year old saplings of Mango, Cashew, Guava would be distributed to 300 identified farmers (20 each) and trainings would be imparted to cultivate the same.
16 Tata strive Training & Promoting Livelihood Amongst Disadvantaged Youth in GOA and Nagpur:
Project aims to skill young people in the age group 18-35 years for jobs/entrepreneurship, with a special focus on youth from disadvantaged communities, including women, people with disabilities, SC/ST etc. The core philosophy is to create courses that would help in creating and supplying trained manpower across the entire industrial spectrum as well as develop entrepreneurial talent. The training process and course content is customized to enable youth to successfully transition to the workplace and thrive in it. To address the skill development ecosystem challenges mentioned above, Tata STRIVE has developed differentiators across its value chain that are rested firmly on its technological solutions, processes and quality framework designed. In this regard, EKC and Tata STRIVE are proposing to collaborate and create an impact in the lives of thousands of students in the states of Maharashtra, Goa and Gujarat.
– Skill Training of youth in Nagpur: training in the field of General Duty Assistant, Banking and Finance Insurance-Business Development Eexecutive, Web Designing, Front Office Assistant &
– Skill Training of youth in Goa: professionals in the hospitality sector, construction workers – electricians, plumbers, logistics, business development partners, etc.


Chennai Roti Bank

The Chennai Roti Bank is an independent branch of the Mumbai Roti Bank that began feeding the underprivileged and homeless in Chennai on a small scale in August 2021. The main goal of the Chennai Roti Bank is to ensure that people in need do not go to bed hungry.

For More Detail  Click Here


Connected Technologies

This report, prepared by Connected Technologies, shows impact of Everest Kanto Cylinders (EKC) India’s CSR program, which has provided free online access to curriculum-linked vernacular educational content to 6,000+ govt. school students across Maharashtra & Gujarat

For More Details  Click Here
Mumbai Roti Bank

Mumbai Roti Bank is a hunger relief, non-profit organisation bearing registration number E-34021(M) registered on 26th April 2018 under Mumbai Sarvajanik Trust Act 1950. We provide freshly cooked mid-day meals to see that children go to school regularly. We serve freshly cooked meals outside hospitals, destitute homes, educational institutions, cancer centres, in the slums of Mumbai and various other locations. Our mission is no one should go hungry.
Mumbai Roti Bank was initiated by former Director General of Police, Maharashtra, Mr. D. Sivanandhan in December 2017, with a mission “to rescue excess food from those who have and give to the hungry who do not have”. Our aim is to minimise food wastage, malnutrition and eliminate hunger.

For More Details   Click Here


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Calendar Distribution by Pratham, Mumbai

Inclusive education is about including all children to participate in the classroom. An education, without discrimination. Children with disabilities (CwDs) around the world are among the largest groups excluded irom mainstream education. In India, there are about 2 million children with disabilities as per the 201 I census. The majority of these children are living without any access to formal education. There are many national and intemational instruments, frameworks, laws, and policies that provide people with disabilities the Right to Education, yet we are not able to provide accessible, affordable, and appropriate education to our children with disabilities. Some of the barriers include difficulty in communication,
inaccessible infrastructure, transport and learning resources, non-inclusive and inappropriate curriculum and assessment, etc. The new ‘National Education Poticy, 2020’ discusses inclusivity, experiential learning. and progressive mediums of assessments. However, with large scale programs such as the Sarva Siksha Abhiyan, 2007, and the Samagra Siksha Abhiyan, 2018, their implementation and delivery becomes a big challenge. Hence, the focus of the Pratham is on the betterment and improvement of implementation and delivery of services on the field for all children. We believe that building awareness about such services that advocate for inclusive education is crucial to take action and deliver results.

For More Details   Click Here

The Project aims at providing a platform to women to generate a meaningful source of livelihood. The skill development activities are planned to support economically disadvantaged and unskilled women; towards the ultimate goal of enhancing their employability and entrepreneurship abilities. The aim of the project is to make every woman financially independent, training them in various disciplines and programs, irrespective of their age, language and qualifications. To address the above need WIT has conducted various session during tailoring course.

For More Details   Click Here




Contribution by EKC to Shri Chaitanya Seva Trust for purchase of Autorefractometer along with motorised table





Accreditation received from honorable Governor of Maharashtra for contribution towards Anamrita Foundation for distribution of meal tray outside the hospitals in Mumbai.
