ISO 9001:2015
From 1 Ltr. To 3000 Ltrs.
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EKC Manufactures Large Capacity Jumbo Cylinders conforming to various national & international standards like NES 317, ISO 11120, BS 5045 etc. We can also make such cylinders as per DOT 3T, 3AAX and ASME Codes against specific customer requirement and order. Jumbo Cylinders (559 mm OD) & Skids are commonly used for all industrial gasses like Nitrogen, Helium, Argon etc. Cylinders having OD 432 mm to 508 mm have a vast potential for Defence & Aerospace application.

HIGHER AND INTERMEDIATE WATER CAPACITY CYLINDERS CAN BE SUPPLIED ON REQUEST UP TO A LENGTH OF 11150 mm. For special applications please contact our Marketing Office.


Benefits of Jumbo Cascades

– Moisture drain by providing dip tube arrangement.

– Less piping & value results in minimum maintenance and maximum safety.

– Bulk gas transportation in a single trip on a 20′ or 40′ trailer.

– Premium tubes & fittings of 2500 class of Swagelok / Seal Excel / Sandvik are used.

– Reduce the cost of transportation

Embrittling Gases:
Non – Embrittling Gases

Note: Jumbo Cylinders (559 mm OD) & Skids are commonly used for liquifiable gases in INDIA.